Value-Centred Selling Workshop

This 1-day workshop helps:

1. Salespeople consistently sell more and retain existing clients.

2. Optimise sales team enjoyment, engagement, and collaboration.

3. Support sales leaders by focusing salespeople on high value behaviours.

This workshop is grounded in commercial insights – all techniques and tips can immediately be applied. Pre-work gives the workshop momentum. A comprehensive Value-Centred Selling manual is provided.
Workshop Pre-Work
Value-Centred Selling Survey
To be completed by each workshop participant. It assesses the four individual predictors of salesperson success:

1. Motivation

Are you strongly motivated to sell?

2. Goals

Have you embraced stretching, process goals and outcome goals?

3. Skills

Are you skilful at building perceived value at each stage of the client buying cycle?

4. Contact Energy

Are you focused on dollar-productive behaviours; do you overcome relevant contact reluctance?
A tailored version of this survey is also available for business support colleagues who will be attending the workshop.

Survey responses to be shared with Luke Heath but are otherwise anonymous.

Survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete online.
Value-Centred Selling Workshop
Content would be tailored to themes emerging from the surveys and insights of sales leaders.

Topics likely to include:

• Adding value at each stage of client buying cycle, from discovery to contemplation to expansion.

• Enlisting the whole of the company to persuade clients.

• Using neuroscience to accelerate trust with clients.

• Emphasising client service alpha.

• Optimising individual salesperson motivation and goal-setting.

• Overcoming sales contact reluctance to prospect to a full range of clients with confidence across settings.

• Negotiating price and terms using behavioural economics.

• Focusing each week on dollar-productive behaviours – managing your energy and time so you optimise your return on effort.

• Constructively giving and receiving feedback with sales colleagues.

• Each participant to leave with specific, individual goals.
Sustainment Consulting to Sales Leaders
• Sustains and extends Value-Centred Selling workshop.

• Assists sales leaders to engage their teams.

• Assists sales leaders to achieve team budgets.